New Small Business Package:  Meister Agency

New Small Business Package: Meister Agency

New Small Business Package:  Meister Agency One of the things we’re proudest of is our work with businesses of every size and industry. Over the years we’ve worked with restaurants, service businesses, and professionals of all shapes and sizes. That’s why we were so...
New Website: Wild Blue Ropes

New Website: Wild Blue Ropes

The Stingray Branding Team is excited to announce the launch of a brand new website for our good friends at Wild Blue Ropes. This is an incredibly well-established brand in the Lowcountry that was seeking to update its website for some fresh appeal to new customers....
New App: The Town of Moncks Corner

New App: The Town of Moncks Corner

The team at netGALAXY Studios, a Stingray Branding Company, is proud to announce the launch of a new app for the Town of Moncks Corner. Municipalities have a lot of things to juggle as they serve their citizens, and technology can make a great many of them easier....
New App: Trident Technical College

New App: Trident Technical College

The team at netGALAXY Studios, a Stingray Branding Company, is excited to announce the launch of the My Apprentice App for Trident Technical College. Trident Tech is a public community college with campuses throughout Berkeley, Charleston, and Dorchester counties....
New App: Kershaw County Council

New App: Kershaw County Council

The NetGalaxy and Stingray Branding Teams are thrilled to announce the launch of a new app for the Kershaw County Council. Our team is often tasked with creating custom apps that are not only well designed but also highly valuable to the end-user. Creating the App App...