Do you need an effective marketing strategy to build your bottom line? Try a proven method. Listen to your customers! Don’t just take our word for it (although our marketing gurus here at Stingray Branding have plenty of experience to back up the claim). Studies show...
What’s the secret to writing a killer headline? You’ve got to be willing to kiss a couple of frogs. Copywriting gurus, from the late advertising great David Ogilvy to Copyblogger Sonia Simone, will tell you that for every successful headline they’ve come up...
At Stingray Branding, we know how important it is for businesses both big and small to have opportunities to network with other companies. But not all networking events are created equal. Some events are more successful than others often leaving the organizers...
In the first Eventbrite blog, we covered the site’s primary functions such as how to set up an event, the use of tickets, how to import contacts, and some simple SEO services. But Eventbrite has many other features which are useful to event organizers and marketers...
You may have used Eventbrite before in passing or responded to an invite for an event through their system. But if you have a vested interest in marketing or event organizing it is worth your time to learn more about this platform that you can use for planning,...
What is Responsive Web Design? Responsive Web Design first appeared quickly in early 2012. Responsive Web Design (RWD) is now clearly established as the best way to create a website mobile visitors love. Having a responsively designed site means that when a user views...