Is Your Marketing Ready for a Hurricane?

Is Your Marketing Ready for a Hurricane?

September marks the halfway point of hurricane season, but that doesn’t mean we can relax. Preparing for major storms is an ordeal on many levels. We worry about our families, our homes, and our vehicles as storm threats appear. But it’s more than the standard worries...
Sick of Content

Sick of Content

We’ve all heard that content is king. Sales content, personal content, marketing content, blogs, videos, podcasts, specific platform content, and all of the rest can be overwhelming. Let’s be honest, we’re sick of content. So why are we talking about it again?...
Building a Successful Mobile App

Building a Successful Mobile App

Take a moment and grab your phone. You may even be reading this post on it right now. Hold it in your hand and ask yourself one question. How many apps are on it? It turns out that while the average smartphone holds anywhere from 60 to 90 apps installed, the majority...
More Than a Logo

More Than a Logo

One of the most common mistakes we encounter with clients is the perception that branding is a matter of logo design. Branding can be a really convoluted subject. Hundreds of books, blogs, and videos offer advice on how to build your brand. Let’s face it, branding...
Language Matters: Understanding SEO Keywords

Language Matters: Understanding SEO Keywords

There is always a lot of mystery surrounding any topic related to Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Whether it’s creating relevancy, building authority, or any of the aspects of website SEO, these topics always seem to confuse us more than help us. Perhaps none of...
We Can See Through You

We Can See Through You

How honest should you be with your clients/customers? It’s an interesting question and one that often leaves business owners in knots. The modern mantra seems to be “fake it ‘til you make it,” but is that good enough anymore? Was it ever the right decision? In a time...