You may have used Eventbrite before in passing or responded to an invite for an event through their system. But if you have a vested interest in marketing or event organizing it is worth your time to learn more about this platform that you can use for planning,...
What is Responsive Web Design? Responsive Web Design first appeared quickly in early 2012. Responsive Web Design (RWD) is now clearly established as the best way to create a website mobile visitors love. Having a responsively designed site means that when a user views...
Pinterest was first launched in 2010 and has become one of the top social media networks in the world. On Pinterest users can pin images from websites all in one spot to Pinterest boards as well as repin ideas from within Pinterest itself. Typical Pinterest boards...
Facebook has quietly rolled out a new feature that can greatly assist social media managers and business owners. Within a Facebook page’s setting, there is now a Reminders tab. Reminders are a way for Facebook to remind you to update your Page on certain...
Email marketing is an important part of marketing for any small business. It is a great way to stay in touch with your customers on a free or low-cost basis. You can easily update your clients on new business offerings, current deals, and more with an email. Important...
Do you go get the yellow pages when you need a plumber or photographer? No?! Well surprise, neither do your clients. While we always want word of mouth to be a large part of our marketing strategy and hope to count on it forever, it is not the only form of marketing,...